By Angela
Health Tips

In its most basic form, stretching is a natural and instinctive activity; it is performed by humans and many other animals. Stretching often occurs instinctively after waking from sleep, after long periods of inactivity, or after exiting confined spaces and areas. 

Muscles, like other tissues in our body, need to be well circulated and healthy.  We spend most of our day in the same posture.  By not stretching, we continue to overuse and fatigue our muscles, making them short and tight.  In return, we form adhesions and connective tissue that is not needed, decrease circulation, decrease flexibility, increase the risk of tendonitis, increase aches and pain.

Stretching is exercise aimed at increasing the length and flexibility of the soft tissues in the body, in particular, muscles and tendons.  It is performed by applying tension to various parts of the body either by using body weight, postitioning, active movement or passive (external) force.

Benefits of Stretching:

  • Improve range of motion and flexibility 
  • Prevent Injury
  • Assist management/rehabilitation of injury
  • Assist in recovery after hard training or race
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